High Street, Kimpton, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG4 8RB

01438 832394

Kimpton Primary School

Achieving today; ready for tomorrow.

Outdoor learning

At Kimpton Primary School the children are fortunate to enjoy extensive outdoor space.  The love of being outdoors is embraced in our Early Years class, who have continuous access to a well resourced, early-years only, outdoor area.  From Year 1 onwards, fortnightly Outdoor Learning is timetabled to complement our PSHE curriculum, as well as deliver both core and foundation subjects.  Teachers take every opportunity to move learning outside, either in our dedicated Outdoor Learning area or through one of our other learning spaces: the fish pond, the wildlife, pond, the school field and hedgerow, or community garden.
We have worked hard to secure a number of local grants and community donations to ensure our Outdoor Learning area is well resourced for a range of activities, games and lessons.  We have also invested in a year-long CPD programme with Learning Through Landscapes to ensure staff are fully trained in the benefits and opportunities children experience when learning outside.  To get a full taste of our outdoor learning areas in action, please take a look at our Facebook page.
Community Garden
The community garden was a project established through the Hertfordshire Re:Grown grant, as part of Feeling Good Week in 2024.  We now have a total of seven raised beds, a natural composter and a number of minibeast and wildlife homes.  A new wildflower garden is being planted ready for spring and summer 2025.  The community garden is accessible to all members of the village all year round.  The children at school, ably supported by local volunteers and our gardening club, plant and care for a variety of vegetables and herbs throughout the year.  The crops are then shared in the community, or become part of our school dinner menu!