Frequently asked questions
Starting at a new school or going into a new year group can sometimes feel daunting for both the pupil and the parents. Mrs Caner in the office is a fountain of knowledge and she will assist you in any way that she can. Do call the office, or pop into reception to ask her about anything. In the meantime, please find a few frequently asked questions below which might be able to help...
The school gates open at 8:40am with children going in to school by 8:50am. Registration is at 8:55am ready for the children to start the school day. School ends at 11:45am for Nursery children. School finishes for the rest of the children at 3:15pm. Please meet your children by their classroom door in KS1 and on the playground for KS2. Your child's teacher will ensure that they leave with a parent or named individual.
You could help your child at home by sharing a book with them on a regular basis. This could be you reading, them reading or you taking it in turns to read a page.
During reading time try to ask your child some questions about the book to make sure they have understood what they have read. You many find this diagram useful in thinking about the types of questions you could ask to support their critical thinking skills:
This question doesn't have a definitive answer. It depends on the piece of homework, the age of your child as well as their confidence within the chosen subject.
Please don't feel that your child has to complete each piece of homework. If they have struggled and have tried their hardest, please just add a note so that your teacher knows how long it has taken to get to this point.
There are a number of different ways to contact staff. You can: - make an appointment to see the class teacher by speaking to them before school - talking to them after school when you are collecting your child - attend parents evening to discuss your child’s progress. - attend SEN review meetings to discuss your child’s progress. - contact the office to make an appointment to meet our SENDCo, Mrs Marshall, or your class teacher.
We welcome parents and carers in school. If you would like to help, please let us know. Helping in school allows you to understand what your child is learning and how you can encourage your child to learn. It also extends a helping hand to a busy teacher. You could also join the PTA- they are a very friendly group of parents who organise all of the fund raising activities for our school. We always need help in our school library! Please see Mrs Stagg if you can give any time to our favourite room in the school.
Unfortunately, sometimes children do have accidents or become unwell whilst they are at school and we need to call you. It can add to your child’s distress if we are unable to contact you. Please ensure that we have up to date contact telephone numbers for you and tell us straight away if these change.
Please telephone the school before 9:00am if your child is going to be late for any reason such as a dental or doctors appointment. If your child is late for school you must report to the school office.
Children may only miss school for a good reason. It is reasonable for your child to be absent because of
* illness
* dental or medical appointments
* family bereavement
* religious observance
It is important that we have direct communication from parents or carers to explain an absence. We cannot accept a child's explanation. If your child is absent please speak with your child's teacher or with the school office, in person or by phone. Please make every effort to keep in touch by whatever means suits you best.
If no reason for absence has been given, you will be contacted promptly by the office staff which could result in a letter or phone call from the Headteacher. Where there is persistent absence, it may be followed up by the school's Attendance Officer.
Holidays within the school term should be avoided; if they have to be taken permission needs to be sought from the Headteacher. Authorisation for term time absences will only be given in exceptional circumstances.
We are delighted to be part of the Government's Fruit Scheme ; every child up to and including Year 2 receives a piece of fruit for free as their mid morning snack. We hope that this is then established as a healthy habit and junior children may bring their own fruit. We do not allow any other snacks. Full fat milk is free to all Nursery children and for any child who is in Reception and is 4 for the whole of the term. Once a child turns 5 semi-skimmed milk is available to be purchased. KS1 and KS2 children entitled to benefit related free school meals are entitled to free school milk