High Street, Kimpton, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG4 8RB

01438 832394

Kimpton Primary School

Achieving today; ready for tomorrow.

Kimpton Primary School PTA


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About Us

The Kimpton PTA is a supportive team of parents, carers and members of the local community who work hard to:

  • Help raise money to support the children's learning at Kimpton School
  • Organise fun events and activities for the children and parents alike

All of the money raised by the PTA is used for the benefit of our children.


How can you help?

  • Come and join us on the Committee
  • Help at an event
  • Do you have a 'useful' skill?  (e.g. craft, face painting, cooking...)
  • Can your company provide a raffle prize?
  • Can you sponsor an event/provide printing?
  • Come along and support our events
  • Give us feedback and suggestions on events and spending of funds 
  • Donate to the Regular Giving Scheme
  • Sign up to easyfundraising to earn donations when you shop online


Interested in getting involved?

The PTA is always looking for more people so please email us if you would like to get involved or have new ideas at: pta@kimpton.herts.sch.uk 

PTA committee members 

Emily Ozgul

Laura Murray
Vice Chair

Katie Vowles

Denise Thompson
Vice Treasurer

George Curry


Other members of the committee:

Helena Kirk
Holly Blake
Kelly Merchant
Emily Shaw
Mary Hyde
Jess Lawson


News and Events

For up-to-date information about the PTA and upcoming events, visit:
For event booking, go to 

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Regular Giving Scheme

The Kimpton PTA has been looking at new ways to help our local school thrive. We have launched a Regular Giving Scheme to enable everyone to support our school community on a monthly basis if they wish to. The idea is to help provide a steady, reliable source of financial support and has been created in response to the many parents who have approached the PTA and asked how to support the school on a more consistent basis. 

This scheme is open to anyone: parents, carers, grandparents, friends and the wider community. Participation is completely optional. As a village school, we understand that people will choose to contribute to the school in whatever way they can – this is just providing an easy and convenient way for some people to do so. 

How does it work? 

Simply download the form on this page and then set up a standing order to pay a monthly amount directly to the Kimpton PTA. If you are eligible for Gift Aid, we can increase the value of your donation by 25%.          

Please return completed forms to the School Office.  Any participants’ data will be stored and treated confidentially, in compliance with GDPR. 

Single one-off donations are also always welcome – details also available on the form.

What will we do with the money? 

All collections from the Regular Giving Scheme will be coordinated and organised by the Kimpton PTA, with all funds directly benefitting the Kimpton School children. Requests for spending Kimpton PTA funds are submitted by the Teachers and Staff and coordinated by the Headteacher, or suggested by the PTA committee and agreed by the Headteacher. Examples of current investments include the purchasing of iPads and the charging trolley, new rugs in EYFS, number lines, PE mats and provision of school coaches for each year group’s school trip. 

Easy Fundraising

Sign up to Easy Fundraising and earn money for the PTA every time you shop online .

Easyfundraising partners with over 7,500 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. It won't cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand. 

Make it count - raise big donations of up to £150 when you purchase insurance, broadband, mobiles and ISAs.