Kimpton Primary School is an inclusive setting where all children, parents and families are welcome.
Meeting the Public Sector Equality Duty
The Public Sector Equality Duty was introduced by the Equality Act 2010 and requires us to promote equality by having due regard to the need to:
Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Act
Advance equal opportunities between people who share a protected characteristic and those who don't share it
Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who don't share it
The nine protected characteristics are: Age, Marriage and civil partnership, Sex, Race, Disability, Religion or belief, Sexual orientation, Gender reassignment. Pregnancy or maternity.
At Kimpton Primary School we believe that diversity is a strength, which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach and visit here. We are committed to ensuring a high equality of education and opportunity for all pupils. Inclusion at Kimpton Primary School is about providing equality and excellence for all in order to promote the highest possible standards of achievement. It also ensures that we recognise and celebrate the differences that exist amongst us, that we treat all people fairly and that we strive to eliminate discrimination against protected characteristics. This is a whole school policy – equality applies to all members of the school community: pupils, staff, governors, parents and community members.
Equality Objectives 2023-27
Kimpton Primary School is committed to ensuring equality of provision throughout the school community and, to achieve this, we have set out our equality objectives for 2023-2027. The objectives, together with our annual review, are set out below:
Equality Objective 1 |
We do not tolerate discrimination. We act to improve children's cultural capital* by fostering an environment which represents a diverse range of people in the books, resources, images and content we present to children within our school. This includes people with protected characteristics. We will seek opportunities for children to meet a diverse range of people through the visitors we invite into the school, and the offsite visits we arrange.
*Cultural capital, as defined by the Cultural Learning Alliance, is "embodied by an individual who is knowledgeable about a wide range of culture and is comfortable discussing its value and merits. It is characterised by the experience and skill to be able to deploy the appropriate knowledge in any given situation: a job interview, a conversation with a neighbour, building a work network and so on."
2024 Review Diversity is one of the key strands of this year’s school improvement plan. All subject leads have built in their own plans to ensure that diversity is a key focal point. Examples of this would be how the curriculum has changed:
We have invested in a wide range of books that promote a range of diverse people, some of whom may be famous and already known to the children. Through whole school English teaching, each class has explored a variety of texts, such as: ‘Coming to England’ about Floella Benjamin and the story of her family moving from Trinidad to London; and ‘And Tango makes three’, a story about two male penguins wanting to be parents, which has promoted the understanding of how each family has a different make-up. We have worked closely with one of our linked secondary schools and now have a beautiful mural in the dining room that depicts images of famous people from each of our class countries and shares inspirational quotes from them. As we look to increase a diverse range of guest speakers, we have welcomed a female scientist, members of our local church and Bollywood dancers. |
Equality Objective 2 |
We will reduce the number of absences in school, especially for our disadvantaged pupils or those on our SEND register. We will work with parents to ensure a partnership that promotes strong attendance is established and maintained. Parents will understand the consequences of low attendance in terms of academic and social progress, through clear communication. They will be supported to improve low attendance by the Headship Team. |
2024 Review Overall, the school continues to be above the national average in attendance, and children who are in receipt of PPG or with SEND continue to have good attendance. Where attendance is low, families are supported well by the school and the school works alongside multi agencies to put in place plans to improve this. |
Equality Objective 3 |
Through targeted teaching, strong leadership and monitoring, we provide all children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities the opportunities to achieve highly in relation to their own development. Educational plans will be tailored to each individual and a level of aspiration is fundamental to this. |
2024 Review Data from Autumn 2022 to Autumn 2023 has shown a huge shift in positive outcomes for children with SEND. In Reading, Writing and Maths, a large percentage of children have moved out of PRE into working towards, which is a reflection of the opportunities provided by staff that allow children with SEND to achieve highly in their own development – all monitored by our much more robust APDR cycle, documented on Pupil Trackers. In Reading, the percentage of children working in this area in Autumn 2022 was 18.5% (relating to 5 children), this has now decreased to 3.7% (1 child) in Autumn 2023. The data in Writing shows that it has moved from 40.7% (11 children) working in PRE, to 7.4% (2 children) and in Maths 18.5% (5 children) to 3.7% (1 child). The positive trend is also apparent in children moving from the Working Towards. The movement in data shows that our children with SEND are a priority; teachers are aware of their individual needs and put in place support provided. The higher level of detail on Pupil Trackers has enabled better provision to be timetabled and measured. SENDCo has done drop-ins on these interventions and they are of a high quality and happening when timetabled to be. Each session is tailored to the pupils, and children are engaged, make clear progress and have a deeper understanding after each session. Targeted daily readers is also having a significant impact on reading skills and fluency, along with Quality First teaching of reading. |